Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby...

Yesterday was Steinvic's birthday. He doesn't want you to know, but he turned 50. He looks at least 10 years younger than that...gets compliments and wrong guesses all the time, so it's not just because I'm smitten...

Saturday, we took a ride on the Cincinnati Dinner Train. I knew he'd never heard of it...I've lived here my whole life and never heard of it...and so it was a great surprise. Our girlfriend - a barmaid at our local - helped immensely with the teasing about where we were headed. I'd texted her the name and she smiled at Steinvic and said, "Hope you're not afraid of heights!" Perfect...he was completely put on, a little worried we were going to do a hot air balloon trip because my parents once had and I told him we were going to a place that they'd been to.

We got there and he was pleasantly surprised and relieved.

I, on the other hand, was a tiny bit worried because we were seated at a four top and who knew who would be joining us for dinner? Would they be young? Our age? Make out couple? Super old? Who could have guessed...

This couple was fabulous and friendly...just very real. They've been together 5 years and share as many children (none together but they're 100% invested in them just the same) and they were just lovely. We all laughed a lot, about many things. The company was just right, the scenery was beautiful, the staff was perfect and appreciated, and the food was pretty good, considering that the whole thing was more about the experience than eating to us...

We stopped at our local on the way home, but we were tired. We woke on Sunday - his actual birthday - and I ran out to the market for fresh produce. While I prepared a big brunch, he got a few calls from family and friends. And I gave him the rest of his birthday gifts. I'd given him a new Claddaugh ring from Ireland, and a bottle of 18 year old Jameson, but I'd also been working on a photo album, from birth to present, since January of this year. That went over quite well...

Meanwhile, as we sat comfy in our home, Steinvic didn't know that Young Man and I had been plotting, and that he was on his way, lovely girl in tow, to our house. I scampered around, doing house things, but Steinvic thought I was on my usual weekend rampage.

Boy, was Steinvic surprised. To be honest, he'd been a little quiet. Contemplative. doesn't matter. The thing is, no matter what I'd planned for his birthday, no matter what year we were celebrating, everything melted away when Young Man walked in our door. Big hugs. Giant smiles. Warmth. (A different kind of warmth than the 90 degree plus weather...the kind of warmth that you remember at 60, 70 and 80 years old.)

The kids are still here. I could have them here every day and be perfectly happy...Young Man's girl is an absolute sweetie. And Young Man? We get closer all the time. And Steinvic helped me throw together a big meal of grilled such after work, so we're all comfy and watching stuff on tv, the kids in the basement and us up here on the main floor.

The crazy thing is how comfortable I am with this exquisite family feeling. I am sitting here in my PJs, typing away, and I've got this happy-sad lump in my throat. It's because this is all I've ever wanted - a family. A real, live, no weirdness, comfortable, solid, normal, unusual, gorgeous family.

Happy first day of your 51st year, Steinvic, and thank you a zillion for our incredible life. Because of you, every day feels like my birthday...

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