Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More Birthday...

Are you birthdayed out yet? Because mine was yesterday, and Steinvic made it really special.

We had a nice drink at home after work, then went to Asiatique for dinner. He'd even gone through the trouble of checking it out for me beforehand, to make sure it had good vegetarian options, which it did: YUMMY crispy, spicy tofu. And, he also thoughtfully tried the creme brule dessert flight on that sample lunch he'd had...you know, just to make sure it was good and that I'd like it, since I'm not a dessert person. (The sacrifices we go through for those we love...) That treat was one of the best I've ever had and I'll never forget it: four little shot glass sized creme brules and two baby spoons to taste them with, and a smudge of blackberry syrup across the tray. Each brule was different and included unusual flavors like green tea, espresso, mango and berry. Very amazing and a perfect compliment to our great service and dinner.

We stopped at our local, just for a little bit, and then home. I'd asked Steinvic to keep my birthday simple, and he ignored me. I received a Nook WiFi, which I'm learning all about and it is so very cool. And a gorgeous 14 megapixel Sony camera, since he was feeling bad for me, having to apply Scotch tape to ours each time I charged the battery (I still love that camera and it's captured a thousand special memories for us...) And an hour long massage from our friend's salon. REALLY extravagant gifts that he didn't have to treat me with, but that I know we'll use, enjoy and have for a long time.

The greatest gift? My life here with him. Tonight I got home, rode ten miles on the bike and caught up on True Blood. He came home and started ironing, while I tossed us a big salad made with produce my parents had brought to us. Now, we've got the TV on and we're just here, cozy, and it feels so normal and wonderful and precious...just a really nice night. I would have none of this feeling without him. Everything I ever wanted and never thought I'd have. Yeah, I'm a big sap. A big, grateful, happy sap.

OH...and before I forget, my parents took us to Bravo on Sunday night and it was the best visit. They gave us generous gifts, too...promise to do a photo post with the new camera in the next day or so. For now, I'm going to play with my Nook. :)

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