So, I logged in just now, planning to blog the first episode of the new season of Clean House and guess what?! This also happens to be my 100th blog entry! Whoo! Without further ado, let's watch this together...
10:00 - What a treat - new season AND we are all up in Niecy Nash's house! That's right...this episode is about moving Niecy's Mama into Niecy's place and thank goodness, the REAL cast of Clean House is here to do the job. (Can you imagine the strangers they've had doing the recent episodes invading Niecy's home? I think not...)
10:04 - Niecy's house is sweet! And big. But they are cramming Mama into a space that is much smaller than her own 3,000 square foot home. She's situated in a good-sized spot in the house, but it is a far cry from what she had and there definitely isn't enough space for her. And of course, Mama doesn't want to get rid of her "good stuff."
10:07 - Check out the Garage of Shame! It is PACKED to the hilt with Mama's crap! "You should be ashamed of yourself!" says Mark. But with no place to put her stuff, what's a woman to do? Oh...but the confession is that Niecy's overflow (clothes, celebrity gift bags, etc.) is lurking in the garage, too. Niecy wants the garage converted into a real living space.
10:10 - THE CLOSET! Mayhem and foolishness galore! There are like at least 200 pairs of shoes up in there. I now feel good about my 50-ish pairs.
10:11 - Welcome to the jungle! Miss Margaret has moved Niecy's furniture out of the living room and moved her own jungle print furniture in! And it is like the host from "How Do I Look" says, "animal toofari..."
10:13 - Tears! Niecy sits Mama down to explain her taste in decor. Mama explains that she needs her own space, her own style...and her own life. She doesn't wanna give up everything.
Commercial Break - Ad aside...Febreeze luminaries aren't affordable! At least not for me... $14 for a non-candle! I am sure they smell great, but dang.
10:18 - Good gosh...Niecy is crying hard and saying that she is trying to make Mama feel welcome, but she needs a compromise. "You and me need to be on the same page...respect all the way around." They shake on it and we're good to go. Let the rooting through the stuff begin!
10:20 - Ha! Niecy wants to KEEP her gift bags and goodies that she gets just for being Niecy. Mama's stuff can go, but Niecy wants her stuff to stay. Mark's designertude is workin' overtime.
10:22 - No surprise - the team lays it down...all the junk has gotta go. Niecy tells her Mama that they both have to give up the goods to make the money for the sale. If Mama gives up everything in the garage, Niecy will do the same. After a pause, Mama says, "Let it go...I'm not even going to look at it...let it go!"
10:23 - Niecy thought she could get away with keeping her closet stuff because she gave up the garage stuff. Um, no. Trish wants to do a "Niecy's Red Carpet Yard Sale" theme.
10:30 - Mama doesn't want to get rid of her jungle themed goods, and Niecy wants to keep her dressesdressesdresses. But, she agreed to thin out her collection...we knew she would, right? And Mama agrees to give up her "so very comfortable" junglefied furniture.
10:32 - The yard sale will be held at a church. Ooo! Look at Niecy's babies! They're so grown up from the last time we saw them! And helltotheno...the team showed up in weaves and flowers! How fun is that?! Mark's goatee is clashing with the hair-do. The yard sale is open and the celebrity gift bag giveaways are a big hit.
10:34 - It's so hot that the sales are dwindling off. Crap!
10:34 - Who is this fool customer, wanting the team to bring lamps to his truck so he doesn't have to get out and look himself? I'd have told him to keep on moving. What a loser...
10:37 - Hey! Niecy looks just like her daddy!
10:39 - They need $7500 smackeroonies. But just to make sure they get what they need, Niecy will make up the difference.
Ad aside...Again with the Febreeze ads. No wonder it costs so much...they have to pay for the advertising!
10:44 - Niecy and her Mama are off to The Luxe...nice!
10:45 - Niecy is designing the garage living space herself...a first!
10:47 - Closet build outs, new paint, all the little touches - pure awesomness as always. The ladies get blindfolds on sticks instead of the strap on kind - can't muss the hair and makeup!
10:53 - The Home Stretch! Take off your blindfolds and open your eyes! I love Niecy's Mama's reaction. She is freaking out. "I think the Holy Spirit is getting to her!" Matt says. Mama's bedroom is gorgeous. Same bed, same secretary, but different dressings and arrangement. Michael's picture, (Niecy's late brother), is featured on one of the walls, just like at her old place. Mama plans to "entertain" in the bedroom. "Awkward" is an understatement...
10:55 - WOW on the finished garage! It looks like a fabulous complete room, completely furnished..."This is a miracle!" exclaimed Niecy. But NOW...check out the amazing closet. (Okay, now I am feeling guilty about our closet.) It has a chaise lounge in it. And a champagne bucket that no one mentions. Mama is dancing! Priceless... About the full-length mirror, Mama tells Niecy, "Not for you!" and "Who is the Diva now?!"
10:57 - The living room...the formerly jungle fever space. Now it is LUSH...Niecy exclaimed, "I'm a designer!!" The ugly furniture is gone and the earth tones reign.
Well, people, that is it...the first episode of the new season, and we did exactly what we came to do. For Niecy and her Mama, we cleaned house. For this T&T blog, we have finished the 100th entry. And for me, well, I'm tired and missing Steinvic. We just spoke and I'm heading upstairs to end this evening that will put me one day closer to him coming home...and to our vacation that is quickly approaching. I hope you enjoyed watching with me! Let's do it again soon.
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