Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Post O' the Year

Here we are. On the couch. Drinks in hand, potatoes on the boil, pajamas on.

The last hour of 2010, which was a great year.

A year in which I figured a lot of things out. In which Steinvic moved here and we set up house. In which we married and made a home. A year in which we began to figure out our lives and our life together.

Mick Jagger is prancing around on the television and it makes me wonder how he can be in such phenominal shape and I have the same 20-30 lbs to lose that I've been toting around for the last 10 years.

2011 is time to exercise and get healthy. I've already ditched smoking and continue with my nearly unprocessed food diet. But I'm not perfect yet. There is room for improvement.

There is room for reading. For writing. For more art. I am almost 40. If I'm going to do something, now is the time.

I was awake before Steinvic this morning, and watched the movie about Harvey Milk. He didn't start his advocacy until after his 40th birthday. While the story was profound and deeply sad (how did the movement lose momentum after all the hard seems like equality should have immediately followed!) it reminds me that a lot can be accomplished quickly if you've got direction.

I need direction. Am I an artist? A writer? What?

I am not setting goals, but I'm open to possibilities.

But first, I'm off to drain and mash potatoes...

Happy New Year!

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