Saturday, September 12, 2009


Howdy! Long time no post...didn't mean to be gone for a whole week but somehow, it happened. So, let's see...

1. Our neighbor, Virginia, is moving today. I would go over to help, but part of me feels that would only make things easier on her selfish son and his horrible wife, so I am letting them handle it. I went to see her this week and took her the most beautiful calalilly and took her little dog a new stuffed friend to beat up on. We had a nice visit, even though her son and his wife were there. It pained me to shake her hand and be nice to a person who thought that Virginia should live in subsidized housing so that she could move into the unit...I'll think of that every time I see her ugly, stupid face. (wow, that sounded really mean...oh well. It's how I feel. She sucks.) I told Virginia I'd see her soon...her daughter's new place is about a five minute drive from here so I will be sure to keep in touch. She is a precious lady.

2. I am so very bothered by the Annie Le disappearance. I can only imagine how very frightened and frantic her fiance and family must be right now. I read this morning that the police were questioning a professor who abruptly called off class right around the time of the mysterious alarm/evacuation and Annie Le's disappearance. I hope they find her alive but I don't know...with each day that passes, that seems more unlikely. Prayers...

3. Not even talking about political beliefs, but I think Obama did a rockin' job this week when he introduced his proposed health care plan. It has to be really tough to try to combine so many different philosophies and opinions and I think he's doing a nice job of trying to unify the parties and find a solution. That Wilson shouted out "You're a liar" in the middle of Obama's speech is pathetic. I think Wilson is clearly overly emotional and unable to control himself, which makes me feel that he is not qualified to lead or make decisions. He should resign. And for all the Obama haters who think his outburst is funny or that it's a freedom of speech issue, There is a difference between freedom of speech and being a rude a-hole. If someone shouted, "I used to bang your daughter!" during her wedding ceremony, is it freedom of speech or just wholly inappropriate? I think you might see my point.

4. Steinvic and I have been battling colds for more than a week. We're finally getting better. Also, I have been trying the hoodia supplement. When I take it, I feel completely unhungry within about five minutes. I don't think it's psychological, because when I'm hungry, I'm hungry, flat out. I am also doing the stepper or walking every day. Determined to look my best by the holidays!

5. Our friend, J, came out and blew off some steam with us last night at our local. We even came back here and ate pizza and chilled for a bit and it was a really fun night. (J, if you're reading, I hope you didn't have a hangover today...and look! I'm posting!)

6. Steinvic scored us some butt cheap airfare for our trip out west next month! (Thank you, Steinvic!) The only thing was that the best rates included a day that I hadn't requested off, but we took the chance and bought the airfare and fortunately, my boss approved the extra day. We're going to be gone for TWELVE DAYS!!! This is officially the longest vacation I've ever taken in my whole life. I'm totally excited. We'll be in Glendale and in Vegas, seeing U2 twice and visiting family. It's going to be awesome.

I think that's enough of a catch up, don't you! I won't be gone so long next time...for reals...

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