Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Guess What? I'm Not Really a Vegetarian! (Bonus: An Update on Other Stuff)

Have you ever read something and learned something that you didn't want to know? Well, it just happened to me. I was on this amateur writing site, curious about features for my city, when I saw this column on vegetarian living. And then I saw this article.

I eat like, 50% of the things on that list. Not every day, because I don't eat a lot of processed foods. But a few of them are Sacred Foods to me, like Skittles. I love Skittles! I love them so much that I don't even buy them because I will eat them until I am fat. I eat them like, twice a year.

I mean, come on! Jiffy Mixes have MEAT ingredients? Four Cheese DiGiorno pizza? Doritos? Kraft Mac & Cheese? Give me a freakin' break!

So, that settles it...I've been eating meaty things without knowing or trying. This effing sucks! To all the cow stomachs in the world, I'm truly sorry. I didn't know you were in my food. I thought I was an informed vegetarian, but I guess for the last, oh...17 years or so, I've been posing. ARGH!

Thanks, Jessica-writer-for-the-Examiner! And quit grinning in that bio photo of yours. I'm just kidding. It's a well-written article and I'm grateful for the info...

Okay, so you might be wondering, what became of the weekend you've been hearing about for a month. Well, when you put something in writing, it's out there forever. So, allow me to be vague...

I will say this: I did a great job of readying our home. It looked beautiful. The side dishes I pre-prepared were wonderful. The bar was stocked, the linens were fresh, everything was shiny and beautiful (except the piano bench...thanks for catching that, Steinvic!) and we were ready for a great time.

I can also say that Steinvic is a peach. I see this more and more with every passing day. I know I brag on him here, but seriously, some of the things he puts up with, and the support which he offers me is HUGE. He was just wonderful this weekend (as always. Thank you. And thank you for the flowers if you're reading this...they're gorgeous. And for spending the extra evening in town - meant a lot to me and it was fun! Right up to the point where I fell asleep on the couch. ;o)

So, here is a hypothetical question for any reader who wishes to decloak and answer in the comments section: If someone was really intoxicated and broke something in your home, and didn't realize that they broke it, and it is expensive to fix or replace, do you mention it? Or do you make like the penguin in Fight Club and let it sliiiiiiiiiiiiide? This I don't know...

Anywho, that is what is going on here. I hope your long weekend was great and that your weekbeginning is even better. Make it a good one!

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