Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm Here...

I can't believe it's been a week since I've posted. Oh, I've thought about it. Actually even started a couple posts. But I've been a little stuck. So...when I have lots spinning around and around, I make lists. I'll just make a list of what's been going on and what I'm thinking, and hopefully that will get me back into the swing of things...

1. If you've been wondering about Virginia, please know that she is doing pretty well. In addition to her son, she has three daughters. One of those daughters - who lives locally and had just sold her home in an attempt to downsize - bought a house with plenty of room so that Virginia could come to live with her. Over the next few months, Virginia will move. We'll miss having her right next door, but I'm so happy she has a place to go. Plus, I can still visit her. Right now, I check in on her a couple times a week. Not so crazy about her son being our new neighbor, though...

2. Did you see Clean House last night? The whole cast was sweet is that?! I am sure that the producers will see a nice jump in the ratings. I only saw the first half, but it had a way better feel than other episodes have recently. I am sure I'll see the rerun here in a day or two...

3. Give a big hand to our friend, J, who adopted a stray kitty! And an even bigger hand for naming the new kitty after my Grandma. (I was only kidding when I suggested it, but how cool that you actually did it. Even if the kitty is a boy, I think the version you chose is really perfect...) Here is to a healthy, happy addition to her family (with two great kids and two very active dogs, I think this just about rounds things out, don't you?!)

4. I've started power walking at lunch with one of my colleagues. It was her idea...she struggles to fit exercise into her schedule, too. We concluded that bringing in t-shirts and gym shoes and cruising around the walking path here at lunch would be a way for both of us to get healthier. We did three miles on Tuesday, one yesterday (she had lunch plans) and we'll do three again today. Even if we can't do as much as we like each day, I'll still have walked more than seven fitness miles at the end of this week...which is seven more fitness miles than I walked last week!

5. My Grandma. There are days that she seems alert and herself. Then, there are days like yesterday. Yesterday, I had a good cry...the emotions that had been so far off in the distance came crashing down after I left the nursing home last night. Because she is so uncomfortable, they've had to heavily medicate her. Sometimes, it's a good high - she's tired but happy. But yesterday? Agitated, restless, bad dreams, struggling to function, no eye contact, hardly able to talk. This has been her greatest fear. And that is why I cried - not for me - I am not thinking of the void I'll feel. I cried because she has said a million times how precious her mind is to her. This is why she loves word puzzles and's kept her mind sound and strong all these years. To see her in the state she was in last evening? Robbed of her personality and wits? Where is the dignity and fairness that she is due? I am still honored to be a witness of her passing, just as I have been proud to be her granddaughter. I will not stop going to see her even though it is hard. This won't overshadow or discount all the good memories I have, because I won't allow it to. I have to be there as much as I can.

I guess that is enough for a catch up, right? I promise not to stay away so long next time...

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