Thursday, April 29, 2010


I got all of my hair cut off tonight.

No, it wasn't a Britney Spears moment... It was more me spending way too much time on my hair in the morning with little return.

I have baby fine hair. Ridiculously fine child-like hair. The longer it gets, the more clumpy and ugly it gets. Do I want sexy, movie star ridiculous hair? Oh yeah...

Can I have it without wearing a wig? Nope...

My former hairdresser was a sweetie. I liked her. But she has been incredibly distracted. Out of the last four haircuts (at $40 a pop plus tip) one was perfect. And when I say perfect, I mean, whoa...

So, I got a coupon e-mailed to me for a 30% discount at an Aveda salon. I took that as a sign from the Hair Gods to go for it.

By the way...why is Aveda certifiation grounds for being so freaking expensive?!

Anyway, I'm freaking out. I want to find some lovely hairdo for our wedding...but...

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